Wednesday, September 18, 2013

the erwc binder

The ERWC binder, in its entirety, after the jump:

erwc1 preface ack intro proposal

erwc2 theoretical foundations

erwc3 assignment template

erwc4 guidelines for teaching rhetorical grammar

erwc5 introducing students to erwc

erwc6 mod1 life after hs

erwc7 mod2 rhetoric of the op ed page

erwc8 mod3 racial profiling

erwc9 mod4 the value of life

erwc10 mod5 good food bad food

erwc11 mod6 into the wild

erwc12 final reflection portfolio


  1. I'm sorry, I had no idea how much of a hassle that would be. Thanks for uploading.

    1. I didn't either! But I did think it was a great idea and still do. And now I'm going to sleep. :)
