Ryland/UCLA (on the panel and the presentation):
- Everyone here has real experiences with the things you have questions about. It's one thing to hear it from Dr. Preston or Mrs. Dirkes; it's another to hear it from people just like you, so please feel free to ask any questions while we're here.
- We have Sam Garrison on Skype from American University in Washington, D.C, and Matt Patel is in Paris for a semester abroad through NYU so he made a YouTube video (both videos are at bottom of this post)
- Step out of your comfort zone and meet new people
- Be direct and open; stick out your hand and say, "Hi. I'm Laura." That's how you do it
- Keep things in proportion and balance your social life with staying on top of the courses and activities that will help you achieve your goals
- Stay in contact with your teachers; it's too easy to be anonymous in a class of 500+ so email professors and go to office hours so they know who you are