Tuesday, March 4, 2014

march 4


Today your journal will serve as the starting point for your table conversations.  Please begin by asking a person (or two) to remind you of their Masterpiece topic/s.  Then take 5-10 minutes to write down all your impressions of the topic/s.  Include 3-5 questions you have as an interested outsider (even if you're not particularly interested in the subject, you share an interest in your colleagues' success, and you want them to share an interest in yours).

1. Journal
2. MGOTM (I): Begin by answering your colleagues' questions.  If you don't know the answer to one, don't worry-- use this as an opportunity to guide the next steps in your inquiry.  Remember that if you're getting the question at the table, it's highly likely that your blog readers will be curious too.
3. MGOTM (II): Share ideas about the Benchmark assignment and create a plan for yourself.  As you know, six days goes by faster than we think...

1. Resource of the Day
2. Begin work on Benchmark project (due Monday, March 10)
3. Literature Analysis #3 is due March 31

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